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- 排毒和排出體內不良物質
- 增強消化系統和消化功能
- 大蒜精油的豐富來源,具有許多健康益處
- 維持心臟和心血管的健康
- 提升免疫力,增強體質

- 以每日兩粒作為膳食補充劑,或遵醫囑


- Detox and expel undesirable substances from the body
- Strengthens digestive health and function
- Rich source of allicin with many health benefits
- Maintains heart and cardiovascular health
- Improves immunity and well being
【Suggested use】
- Take two softgels daily as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician. 

大蒜精油Garlic Oil Extract - 300 Softgels

HK$389.00 Regular Price
HK$250.00Sale Price
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